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Get data from table with CakePHP 2

What I have :

I have a table named Sales and 3 colums named Seller , Buyer and Price .

In the controller, I have a function myview() where I do this SQL Query :

SELECT SUM(price) AS total, seller_name, buyer_name
FROM sales
GROUP BY seller_name, buyer_name

The function :

public function myview() {
$this->set('mysales', $this->Sales->find('all', 
     'fields' => array('SUM(price) AS total','seller_name','buyer_name'),
     'group' => array('seller_name','buyer_name')

I display the results in myview.ctp :



    foreach ($mysales as $thesales)
        <td><?php echo $thesales['Sales']['seller_name']; ?></td> 
        <td><?php echo $thesales['Sales']['buyer_name']; ?></td> 
        <td><?php echo $thesales[0]['total']; ?></td>
        <td><input type="button" onclick="location.href='myview_pdf';" value="PDF"/></td>

        echo $this->Js->writeBuffer();

The PDF button brings you to another view named myview_pdf where it displays (for now) a blank PDF.

What I want :

When you click on the PDF button, it "recognizes" the 'seller_name' and the 'buyer_name' of the line where I clicked the button so I can do this SQL query :

SELECT price, seller_name, buyer_name
FROM sales
GROUP BY seller_name, buyer_name

And display the results into the myview_pdf.ctp

Problem :

I'm struggling : how do I know which line I clicked, how do I fetch the datas from the line, where do I write the SQL query, how do I pass the query results into myview_pdf.ctp...

Thanks for your help!

You need to make this a link first instead of a button, and pass the seller and buyer names as query strings.

 <!-- <input type="button" onclick="location.href='myview_pdf';" value="PDF"/> --> <!-- Remove this -->
 <?php echo $this->Html->link("PDF", array(
    "controller" => "<controller name>",
    "action"     => "myview_pdf",
    "?" => array(
       "seller_name" => $thesales['Sales']['seller_name'];,
       "buyer_name" => $thesales['Sales']['buyer_name'];,
 )); ?>

And then in your controller, you can access the seller and buyer name from query string:

public function myview_pdf() {
     $seller_name = $this->request->query("seller_name");
     $buyer_name  = $this->request->query("buyer_name");
     /* Other code */

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