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Android Retrofit POST request cache

Which is best way to store POST request cache ? POST请求缓存的最佳方法?

I will store response and using that response while user is offline. I was referred this link.
1) Can Retrofit with OKHttp use cache data when offline
2) Cache POST requests with OkHttp

But in this link cache mechanism work only GET method.
- It is possible to store cache in post request using retrofit ?
- Is any library to handle network cache?



This is the solution we ended up with

public class OnErrorRetryCache<T> {

    public static <T> Observable<T> from(Observable<T> source) {
         return new OnErrorRetryCache<>(source).deferred;

    private final Observable<T> deferred;
    private final Semaphore singlePermit = new Semaphore(1);

    private Observable<T> cache = null;
    private Observable<T> inProgress = null;

    private OnErrorRetryCache(Observable<T> source) {
        deferred = Observable.defer(() -> createWhenObserverSubscribes(source));

    private Observable<T> createWhenObserverSubscribes(Observable<T> source) 

        Observable<T> cached = cache;
        if (cached != null) {
            return cached;

        inProgress = source

        return inProgress;

    private void onSuccess() {
        cache = inProgress;

    private void onTermination() {
        inProgress = null;

We needed to cache the result of an HTTP request from Retrofit. So this was created, with an observable that emits a single item in mind.

If an observer subscribed while the HTTP request was being executed, we wanted it to wait and not execute the request twice, unless the in-progress one failed. To do that the semaphore allows single access to the block that creates or returns the cached observable, and if a new observable is created, we wait until that one terminates.

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