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PHP get raw cookie

Maybe this is a duplicate question but I couldn't find it.

The thing is I have a stored cookie in the browser like username=test+1@test.com and when I read it from the php $_COOKIE["username"] I get test 1@test.com . I want to have the cookie without url decoding, just the way the browser is sending it. I know that there exist the funciton setrawcookie() and I want something like the reverse of that (like getrawcookie ).


Based on dubafek's comment I built this to get raw cookie values:

$raw_cookies = (array_reduce(
    explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] ?? ''),
    function($carry, $item) {
        $pair_arr = explode('=', $item);
        $carry[ trim($pair_arr[0]) ] = trim($pair_arr[1]);
        return $carry;
) ?: []);

From there you can use $raw_cookies as you would $_COOKIE . I needed to have the raw values when forwarding cookies in a curl call.

Edit: There are minor differences between the keys of $raw_cookies and $_COOKIE . For instance, a cookie with key connect.sid will appear in $_COOKIE['connect_sid'] and $raw_cookies['connect.sid'] . I am not sure what transformations PHP is doing to cookie keys so those may or may not need to be accounted for in your particular implementation.

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