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Spring Batch Java Config: Skip step when exception and go to next steps

eg i have 3 Steps in Job (similar to Step1):

private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;

public Step step1() {
    return stepBuilderFactory
            .<String, String> chunk(1)

How go to Step 2 and 3 even after exception in Step 1? I mean configuration in Java.

Here is an example on how to configure it when creating a flow. That should be similar to configure it directly with the job builder:

return new FlowBuilder<SimpleFlow>("name")
    .start(step1) //

You can use Skip Listener

public class CustomSkipListener {

    public void onSkipInRead(Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("From onSkipInRead -> " + t.getMessage());

    public void onSkipInWrite(String item, Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("From onSkipInWrite: " + item + " -> " + t.getMessage());

    public void onSkipInProcess(String item, Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("From onSkipInProcess: " + string + " -> " + t.getMessage());

Then in your step

public Step step1(CustomSkipListener customSkipListener) {
    return stepBuilderFactory
            .<String, String> chunk(1)

Notice the CHAIN starting from .faultTolerant() . Adding the listener is not mandatory. If you add the listener you can handle the behaviour when skipping happens.

Some helpful links



You can use StepBuilder.faultTolerant method and configuring xml in this fashion.

                    <batch:include class="MyException"/>

This would help in your case.

Please look at this : http://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/apidocs/org/springframework/batch/core/step/builder/SimpleStepBuilder.html#faultTolerant--

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