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C# Getting wrong decimal value from EF6 Code-First DB with MySQL

We have a code-first database in our project, with a decimal in one of our models. We set the decimal precision to (6, 2), which we checked in our mysql database's structure. The collation of the db is utf8_unicode_ci .

We saved a value of 4.00 to the database from a view, which was correct. However, now that we try to get the value back from the db, in stead of getting 4.00 or 4.00m , we get 400M . The comma is just gone .

All help appreciated.

(But please, don't suggest dividing by 100. That's ugly fixing and you know it.)

EDIT Model:

public class RSU
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual RSUSlot SlotRef { get; set; }
    public decimal? Length { get; set; }

INSERT code:

using(dbCOntext db = new dbCOntext())
    db.Add(new RSU{ Length = 4.00m });


public static CabinetConfig GetCabinet(M4CDbContext db, int id)
    return db.CabinetConfig
        .Include(m => m.RSURef)
        .Where(m => m.Id == id)

I'm not sure why this isn't working with MySQL but an idea would be:

Use the Fluent API approach and create EntityTypeConfiguration for your class:

public class RSUConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<RSU>
    public RSUConfiguration()
        Property(x => x.Length)
            .HasPrecision(6, 2);

And add it to your modelBuilder :

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.Entity<RSU>().Property(x => x.Length).HasPrecision(6, 2);    
    modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new RSUConfiguration());


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