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How to change http exception in adonisjs?

I am newbie in adonisjs. I want to implement custom response if route method not match.

I have route like this

Route.post('/create', function * (request, response) {response.send('success')})

when call url /create with GET in browser, It send respond 404 not found. Can I use custom response with 405 method not allowed?

The Adonisjs not use request and response like expressjs, you need deconstruct the object.

Your route will running with that code:

Route.post('/create', ({ request, response }) => { response.send('success') })


Route.post('/create', (ctx) => { ctx.response.send('success') })

I just found out the simplest method. Just put this at the bottom of all the routes Route.get('*', ({ view }) => view.render('errorPage'))

It will check all the routes from the top, reaches the bottom and hits the view

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