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How to Create Dynamic Object HTML and Assign Attribute Based Data Given

I have dynamic object (button and textbox) create by jquery where each time I press Add Transport. I took this code from this forum and modify little bit to suit my situtions (thanks to whom create this code).

Let me detail first regarding my dynamic items:

My set of group data are Trip[], Bus No[] and Amount[] . This set can be multiple but consistent with 3 items only each group.

trip[] = button object
busno[] = text object
amount = text object

Below are my HTML script:

    <div class="purchase-items-fieldset" style="clear:both;">
        <div class="purchase-items-wrapper">
            <div class="purchase-items">                            
                        <input type="button" name="trip[]" value="PB" class="field btn-field">
                        <input type="text" name="busno[]" class="field txt-field">
                        <input type="text" name="amount[]" class="field txt-field">
                <input type="button" class="remove-line btn-remove" style="border:solid">
        <button type="button" id="btnAddTrans" class="add-field" style="display: none">Add field</button>

Let says I have 2 set group data like below ***(mydata="PB,WBX001,1000,P,WBK001,500")***

Then, my plan is:-

Group 1

Group 2 

where I want Jquery/Javascript create 2 group dynamic object and assign value each object base on plan above :-

function assigndatatrip (mydata) {
        //each 3 item are 1 set group data etc: PB,WBX001,500

        //do split function and count how many set group
                 // create dynamic object
                 // assign data for dynamic object
        //else no more data to assign then exit-return             

I no idea where to start because I not so good on javascript/jquery function.

I hope anybody who face this problem can share and help me how to solve this problem. Thanks on advance who's reading and reply this question.

Thanks you.

If you will have that structure for your data : "each three items a group" .

Then you can apply this logic:

 $(document).ready(function() { //Initialize vars var start, mydata = ["PB", "WBX001", "1000", "P", "WBK001", "500"] //Loop to create items based on the array amount/3 for (start = 0; start < (mydata.length / 3); start++) { //Target the elements of the array you need for each group var trip = start * 3, busno = trip + 1, amount = trip + 2; //Create the element to append var item = "<div class='item'><ul><li>" + mydata[trip] + "</li><li>" + mydata[busno] + "</li><li>" + mydata[amount] + "</li></ul></div>"; //Append the group element $('body').append(item); } }) 
 .item { color: white; background: purple; margin: 20px auto; padding: 25px; } .item li { list-style: none } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

I must thanks to DaniP who have spirit and kindness, helping without asking. Thanks again.

I think and think many time regarding problem above, I can't use DaniP entire solution because I already have function AddTrans, SaveTrans and many more. My critical part only how to display back all a data I already save. Since object are dynamic my head getting sick to think and honestly I really bad on javascript/jquery coding.

Ok. If anybody using Dynamic Object inside Div and already run perfectly but do not know how to display back a data while create dynamic object then please consider my code below are one of solution on your reference.

 function assigndatatrans(mydata) {
    //var mydata = "PB,WBX001,500,P,WBK001,300"
    var gdata = mydata.split(',').length / 3;
    for (start = 0; start < gdata - 1; start++) {
    var substr = mydata.split(',');
        $.each($('.field'), function (index,value) {

Let me explain my code for myself (I still on learning process JQuery function):-

First thing first is data string get from database

//var mydata = "PB,WBX001,500,P,WBK001,300"

then I need to count how many group data I have, each 3 item are 1 group then I need do small calculation

var gdata = mydata.split(',').length / 3;

After that, I know I already have function AddTrans and RemoveTrans then I need to clear first my dynamic object and show it again based how many group should be appear:-

for (start = 0; start < gdata - 1; start++) {

Finally, I learn some function $.each and Index and Value on JQuery recently and I try apply to make sure my data string can be perfectly insert into each field on my dynamic object. I think this part are really tricky for me and I try many time to make it working.

var substr = mydata.split(',');
    $.each($('.field'), function (index,value) {

That's all.... Now I can get my output run smoothly and workable. I can't say perfect! because I believe yours all who read this question can do better than this and far far more superior.

Anyway thanks so much and sleep well. :)

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