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comma separated values in mysql in

Retrieving data from MySQL in Code Igniter..

Currently my query is this:

SELECT `gs_team_members`.`team_id`, 
FROM (`gs_team_members`)
JOIN `gs_users` 
ON `gs_users`.`id` = `gs_team_members`.`member_id` 
JOIN `gs_user_privileges` 
ON `gs_user_privileges`.`user_id` = `gs_users`.`id` 
WHERE `gs_users`.`user_type` = 'member' 
AND `gs_users`.`id` != '4' 
AND `gs_user_privileges`.`privilege_id` = 7 
AND FIND_IN_SET('19', submenu_previlege) 
AND `gs_team_members`.`team_id` IN ('1', '2') 
AND `team_id` = '2' 
GROUP BY `gs_users`.`name` 
ORDER BY `gs_users`.`name` ASC;

Working fine when gs_team_members.team_id =1 (means only one numeric id). I want it to work for gs_team_members.team_id =1,2 (means multiple comma separated ids)

this is one example.. please try this one

SELECT * FROM user where FIND_IN_SET(user_id, ('1,36,37'))

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