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PHP While Loop for Multidimensional Arrays

So i tried to loop through bunch of arrays using the while loop. So it does not work like this, how does it work?

        $o = $o . "<Server>

The error is in this line(s):


The [$x] is not allowed and i do not know how i can loop through them, any ideas?

I would rewrite it this way:-

$s = $sQuery($SERVER);

for($i=0; $i<$s['number']; $i++)
    $o .= "<Server><Name>".$s[$i]['name']."</Name>

So, I'm answering my own question (kinda). The comments helped me a lot. The thing is.. i should go to sleep because i am too tired for programming.

function ListServersXML($SERVER)
    $x = 0;
    $o = "";
    $s = sQuery($SERVER);
        $o = $o . "<Server>
    return $o;

(btw this is my full function)

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