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factory, unique_ptr and static_cast

Consider polymorphic classes with a base object, a derived interface, and a final object:

// base object

struct object
    virtual ~object() = default;

// interfaces derived from base object

struct interface1 : object
    virtual void print_hello() const = 0;

    template<typename T>
    static void on_destruction(object* /*ptr*/)
        std::cout << "interface1::on_destruction" << std::endl;

// final object

struct derived1 : interface1
    virtual void print_hello() const override
        std::cout << "hello" << std::endl;

    static std::string get_type_name()
        return "derived1";

In the real use case, final objects are defined through a plugin system, but that is not the point. Note that I want to be able to call on_destruction when an object is destroyed (see register_object below). I want to use these classes as follows:

int main()
    // register derived1 as an instantiable object,
    // may be called in a plugin


    // create an instance using the factory system

    auto instance = create_unique<interface1>("derived1");

    return 0;

Using std::unique_ptr to manage the objects, I ended up with the following code for register_object :

template<typename T>
using unique = std::unique_ptr<
    std::function<void(object*)> // object deleter

    std::map< std::string, std::function<unique<object>(void)> > factory_map;

template<typename T>
void register_object()
            unique<T> instance{
                new T,
                [](object* ptr)

                    delete ptr;

            return static_move_cast<object>(

And the create * functions:

unique<object> create_unique_object(const std::string& type_name)
    auto f = factory_map.at(type_name);
    return f();

template<typename T>
unique<T> create_unique(const std::string& type_name)
    return static_move_cast<T>(

You noticed in register_object and create_unique the call to static_move_cast , which is declared as:

template<typename U, typename T, typename D>
std::unique_ptr<U, D>
    std::unique_ptr<T, D>&& to_move_cast
    auto deleter = to_move_cast.get_deleter();

    return std::unique_ptr<U, D>{

The goal behind static_move_cast is to allow static_cast on std::unique_ptr while moving the deleter during the cast. The code is working, but I feel like hacking std::unique_ptr. Is there a way to refactor the code to avoid my static_move_cast ?

I would say it is good solution given the requirements. You transfer the responsibility to the caller of create_unique . He must give correct combination of type and string and string that is in the registry.

auto instance = create_unique<interface1>("derived1");
//                            ^^^^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^
//                         what if those two don't match?

You could improve it a bit by changing the static_cast to dynamic_cast . And the caller of create_unique should always check that he got non-null pointer before calling anything on it.

Or at least use dynamic_cast with assert in debug mode, so you catch mismatches while developing.

Alternative refactoring: Have separate factory for every existing interface.

static_move_cast is unnecessary within register_object , since you can just use the converting constructor of unique_ptr template< class U, class E > unique_ptr( unique_ptr<U, E>&& u ) :

        unique<T> instance{
            new T,
            // ...

        return instance;

Or, even simpler, construct and return a unique<object> directly, since T* is convertible to object* :

        return unique<object>{
            new T,
            // ...

However for create_unique the use of static_move_cast is unavoidable, since the converting constructor of unique_ptr won't work for downcasts.

Note that shared_ptr has static_pointer_cast , which performs downcasts, but there is no corresponding facility for unique_ptr , presumably because it it is considered straightforward and correct to perform the cast yourself.

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