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Python ImportError: No module named

I try to run django project, which has this kind of structure: 2 apps in one project:


│  ├── app1
|  |    ├── __init__.py
|  |    └── ...
│  └── app2
|       ├── __init__.py
|       └── ...
│  ├── settings.py
│  ├── urls.py
│  ├── __init__.py
|  └── ...
├── manage.py
└── ...

It has two apps in one project. Well, while running python manage.py runserver I get ImportError: No module named apps

$ echo $PYTHONPATH gives

Django version 1.9.8



You should add __init__.py inside your apps directory

    │  ├── app1
    |  |    ├── __init__.py
    |  |    └── ...
    │  └── app2
    |       ├── __init__.py
    |       └── ...

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