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Implementing copy assignment operator in terms of move constructor

Considering the following concept/example class

class Test
    explicit Test(std::string arg_string)
        : my_string( std::move(arg_string) )
    { }

    Test(const Test& Copy) {
        this->my_string = Copy.my_string;

    Test& operator=(Test Copy) {
        MoveImpl( std::move(Copy) );
        return *this;

    Test(Test&& Moved) {
        MoveImpl( std::forward<Test&&>(Moved) );

    Test& operator=(Test&& Moved) {
        MoveImpl( std::forward<Test&&>(Moved) );
        return *this;

    void MoveImpl(Test&& MoveObj) {
        this->my_string = std::move(MoveObj.my_string);

    std::string my_string;

The copy constructor takes a const& as usual.

The copy assignment operator is implemented in terms of the copy constructor (as ,if I remember correctly, Scott Meyers pointed out that exception safety and self assignment issues are resolved this way).

When implementing the move constructor and move assignment operator I figured that there was some "code duplication", which I "eliminated" by adding the MoveImpl(&&) private method.

My question is, since we know that the copy assignment operator gets a new copy of the object which will be cleaned up on scope end, whether it is correct/good practice to use the MoveImpl() function to implement the functionality of the copy assignment operator.

The beauty of the by-value signature of the copy assignment operator is that it eliminates the need for a move assignment operator (provided that you properly define the move constructor!).

class Test
    explicit Test(std::string arg_string)
        : my_string( std::move(arg_string) )
    { }

    Test(const Test& Copy)
        : my_string(Copy.my_string)
    { }

    Test(Test&& Moved)
        : my_string( std::move(Moved.my_string) )
    { }

    // other will be initialized using the move constructor if the actual
    // argument in the assignment statement is an rvalue
    Test& operator=(Test other)
        return *this;

    void swap(Test& other)
        std::swap(my_string, other.my_string);

    std::string my_string;

Your thinking is along the right lines, but the point of commonality is in the swap operation.

If you try to do it earlier you lose the chance to initialise members in the initialisation list in the constructors, which conceptually leads to redundant default initialisation of members and difficulties in handling exceptions neatly.

This is closer to the model that you're after:

class Test
    explicit Test(std::string arg_string)
    : my_string( std::move(arg_string) )
    { }

    Test(const Test& Copy) : my_string(Copy.my_string)

    Test& operator=(Test const& Copy)
        auto tmp(Copy);
        return *this;

    Test(Test&& Moved) : my_string(std::move(Moved.my_string))

    Test& operator=(Test&& Moved)
        auto tmp = std::move(Moved);
        return *this;

    void swap(Test& other) noexcept
        using std::swap;
        swap(my_string, other.my_string);


    std::string my_string;

Of course, in reality, the rule of zero should always take preference unless you absolutely need special handling in the destructor (you almost never do):

class Test
    explicit Test(std::string arg_string)
    : my_string( std::move(arg_string) )
    { }

// copy, assignment, move and move-assign are auto-generated
// as is destructor


    std::string my_string;

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