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c++ iterators to list in a generic functions

Here is the code , where i am trying to simulate Queue using STL lists , the class is

template <class T>
class myqueue{
    list<T> m;
    void enqueue(T item);
    T dequeue();
    void display();

Here is the implementation of display function where I want to display the contents of the list m , with the use of iterators .

template <class T>
void myqueue<T>::display(){
    // list<T>::iterator it;
    for (auto it = m.begin(); it < m.end(); it++)
    std::cout << *it;

and I am continuously getting the error Need help on this, This has been resolved I should have used != instead of < in the For Loop


template <class T>
void myqueue<T>::display() {
   // list<T>::iterator it;
    for (list<T>::iterator it = m.begin(); it < m.end(); it++)
    std::cout << *it;

and I am getting the error as

"31:13: error: need 'typename' before 'std::list<T>::iterator' because 'std::list<T>' is a dependent scope"

if I use keyword auto it works fine. What is the reason behind it ??

for(auto it = m.begin();it<m.end();it++)

should be

for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++)

or simply:

for (const auto& e : m)

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