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jQuery delegated event binding not working?

I am using jQuery 2.2.4. I have three .note_edit elements in my page, added dynamically after page load (they are part of CartoDB infowindows).

I am using the following code in the console to check that the elements exist, which they do:

$("body .note_edit");

Then I am trying to add a dynamic event in the console as follows:

$('body').on('click', '.note_edit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log('whatever'); });

But when I click on the elements, nothing happens - no console output.

What might be going wrong here? There aren't any other JS errors in the console, the elements definitely exist... what could it be?


Check for other events bound to the elements. Can I find events bound on an element with jQuery?

I suspect there is a e.stopPropagation() preventing body from being reached.

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