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C++ efficient way to find matches between two std::map

I have a data-set acquired with an RGB-D camera and a text file where for each image of the data-set, the timestamps and the filenames are stored. What I do is to parse this file and fill up two std::map, one for rgb images and the other for depth images. Now, since the timestamps don't intersect, I have to write a routine that finds matching images based on the timestamps. This is what I wrote so far:

typedef map<double,string> StampImageMap;


vector<string> &vstrImageFilenamesRGB;
vector<string> &vstrImageFilenamesD;
vector<double> &vTimestampsRGB;
vector<double> &vTimestampsDPT;

double tolerance = 0.02;

for(StampImageMap::iterator it=rgb_images.begin(); it != rgb_images.end(); it++) {
        bool found = false;
        StampImageMap::iterator jt=depth_images.begin();
        while(found == false && jt!=depth_images.end()) {
            if(fabs(it->first - jt->first) < tolerance) {
                found = true;

and I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way to perform this task!

As your code is now written, the complexity is Θ(nm) , where n , m are the sizes of the sequences. There are at least two ways to improve this (the second is more efficient, but is more difficult to code).

  • In the body of the outer loop, don't loop over all elements in the second map via while(found == false && jt!=depth_images.end()) . Instead, use std::map::lower_bound and std::map::upper_bound to search for it->first - tolerance and it->first + tolerance , respectively. Loop only between the results of these two calls.

    So, the code becomes something like this:

     for(StampImageMap::iterator it=rgb_images.begin(); it != rgb_images.end(); it++) { StampImageMap::const_iterator lower = depth_images.lower_bound(it->first - tolerance); StampImageMap::const_iterator upper = depth_images.lower_bound(it->first + tolerance); // Now just search between lower and upper. } 

    This will reduce each iteration to Θ(log(m)) + p , where p is the size of this range.

  • Since the keys of the maps are sorted, you can modify a standard technique of finding the intersection of two sorted arrays to this case. This will reduce the running time to Θ(m + n) . Note that the modification is a bit tricky, as you're not trying to find the intersection of exact elements, but rather the intersection of "close enough" elements.

    Here is the pseudocode for this case:

      it = rgb_image.begin(); jt = depth_image.begin(); while(it != rgb_image.end() && jt != depth_image.end()) { if(fabs(it->first - jt->first) < tolerance) { // Match found! ++it; ++jt; continue; } if(it.first > jt.first + tolerance) { ++jt; continue; } ++it; } 

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