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how do i install boost with intel compiler and intel mpi?

I am following the instructions from:


Configuration Set Up and Bulld Process:

Linux* and OS X*

Run "source /bin/compilervars.sh {ia32 OR intel64}" or "source /bin/compilervars.csh {ia32 OR intel64}" cd /tools/build


./b2 install --prefix= Add /bin to your PATH


For 32-bit: b2 --build-dir= toolset=intel stage For 64-bit: b2 --build-dir= address-model=64 toolset=intel stage

For 64-bit: b2 --build-dir= address-model=64 toolset=intel stage

trying to install boost with intel compiler and intel mpi. However, it does not seem to generate the lib/ and include/ for me to compile... Do I miss anything?

ok,.... additionally I realize that I need to do:

1, change project-config.jam , add one line : "using mpi : mpiicpc ; " at the end

2, then : b2 --prefix=$myplace/boost_install/ --build-dir=$myplace/boost_install/ address-model=64 toolset=intel install

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