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Create a complex Primary Key using Entity Framework code-first

I need to create a complex value via Entity Framework code-first, which includes three the following three values.

  • A is a constant part look like "s#34"
  • B is float and it's value come from a API webservice
  • C is natural number!

I want to C generate automatically . In one example we have these Ids :

|A    |B     |C |
|s#34 |67889 |1 |
|s#34 |68988 |2 |
|s#34 |87665 |3 |
|s#34 |35458 |4 |
|s#34 |..... |5 |

I'm looking for a code like this:

[ID = "string1" + "string2" + default.ToString()]
public int ID { get; set; }

my mean from "default" in code come back to the value that get from (DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity).

Thank you for your help

Cramming all three pieces of information into one field would violate the single responsibility principle. You should probably create a composite key , and then combine in a computed column if you need to concatenate the three columns for display.

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