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variadic templates with template function names for c++11

following this question , I am trying to avoid copy-pasting some code related to calling all of the same-named methods of the mixins of the class BaseSensor .

in sensor.hpp

struct EdgeSensor //a mixin
    void update(){}
    void printStats() {}

struct TrendSensor //another mixin
    void update(){}
    void printStats() {}

template<typename ... SensorType>
class BaseSensor : public SensorType ... //to my BaseSensor class
    void update() /*{ what goes in here??? }*/
    void printStats() /*{ what goes in here??? }*/

in sensor.t.hpp

template<typename ... SensorType>
void BaseSensor<SensorType...>::update()
    int arr[] = { (SensorType::update(), 0)..., 0 };

template<typename ... SensorType>
void BaseSensor<SensorType...>::printStats()
    int arr[] = { (SensorType::printStats(), 0)..., 0 };

in main.cpp

int main(int , const char **) 
        BaseSensor<EdgeSensor,TrendSensor> ets;
        BaseSensor<EdgeSensor> ets;

The above code executes the update() of all the mixins in turn, before going on to execute all the printStats() from all the mixins as well.

I wonder if it is somehow possible to avoid duplicating the implementation of BaseSensor::update() and BaseSensor::printStats() and create a generic (template) function that accepts the name of the target function to execute across all the mixins:

For example, I could create a method runAll()

template<typename ... SensorType>
class BaseSensor : public SensorType ... //to my BaseSensor class
    void update() /*{ what goes in here??? }*/
    void printStats() /*{ what goes in here??? }*/

    template<typename FnName>
    void runAll(FnName f)
        int arr[] = { (SensorType::f(), 0)..., 0 };

How would I call it then from BaseSensor::update() and BaseSensor::printStats() . I have attempted to use

void update() { runAll<update>(); }
void printStats() { runAll<printStats>(); }

but this does not work (did not expect it to). The problem with passing function name as a function argument (which I see is many other questions such as here is that I do not know how to point to various ::update() functions from BaseSensor::update() . for example

void update() { runAll<update>( update() ); }

is also not correct.

Is it possible to avoid copying in this case? Can this be done in a one-liner so as to avoid alot of copying using c++11 (ie without using generic lambdas as is done here )? How would the template parameters look like if I where to move a working runAll() into file "sensor.t.hpp" ?

Thank you.

As long as the functions to be called are two, you can use a dedicated structure and rely on overloading to solve it.
It follows a minimal, working example:


struct Executor {
    template<typename T>
    static void execute(int, T &t) {

    template<typename T>
    static void execute(char, T &t) {

struct EdgeSensor
    void update() { std::cout << "EdgeSensor::update" << std::endl; }
    void printStats() { std::cout << "EdgeSensor::printStats" << std::endl; }

struct TrendSensor
    void update() { std::cout << "TrendSensor::update" << std::endl; }
    void printStats() { std::cout << "TrendSensor::printStats" << std::endl; }

template<typename ... SensorType>
class BaseSensor : public SensorType ...
    template<typename T>
    void execute() {
        int arr[] = { (Executor::execute(T{}, static_cast<SensorType&>(*this)), 0)..., 0 };

    void update() {

    void printStats() {

int main() {
    BaseSensor<EdgeSensor,TrendSensor> ets;

In case you have more than two functions to be called, I guess the choice trick applies well here.

You can still write the (simplified version of) generic lambda manually:

void update() {
    execute([](auto &t) { t.update(); });

becomes so

void update() {
    struct {
        template <typename T>
        void operator () (T& t) const { t.update(); }
    } updater;

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