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How to get the VPC Id of an EC2 instance?

I need to identify the VpcId for the current EC2 instance using the C# AWS SDK. I have been trying to do this for a couple of hours now with no real luck.

My current approach is something like this,

var currentInstanceId = Amazon.EC2.Util.EC2Metadata.InstanceId; // Get Current Instance Id

AWSCredentials creds = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey);
var ec2Client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client(creds, clientRegionEndpoint);
var instances = ec2Client.DescribeInstances();

foreach (var reservation in instances.Reservations)
  foreach (var instance in reservation.Instances)
    if (instance.InstanceId.Equals(currentInstanceId)) // Compare Instance Id with all available instances 
      return instance.VpcId;

I feel like there should be an easier way to do this. Any help on this would be really appreciated.


With @jbird's help I was able to achieve this using,


Under Amazon.EC2.Util.EC2Metadata look under NetworkInterfaces . Each network interface has a VpcId .

This gets the VPC ID from the EC2 instance's metadata at${mac}/vpc-id . ( Reference )

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