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Starting one Spring Boot Application by using SoapUITestCaseRunner?

我很感兴趣是否有办法通过使用beforeRun()方法中的任何配置从扩展SoapUITestCaseRunner的类中启动Spring Boot Application。

If you want to start some other application from with soapui, then you can add the logic inside of Setup script of the project.

Open your soapui project -> double click on the project -> go to Test Suites tab. Setup Script button is available in the bottom.

Add the business logic to start your Spring Boot application into Setup Script (shown in the below screen shot) which will be executed before running any of the test suites.


And you may also use TearDown Script to shut down the application.

Based on the comment, below is the update:

Looks user wants to run the soapui project from within his/her own application.

Below is the java code snippet to do so, which is taken from SoapUI's documentation .

SoapUITestCaseRunner runner = new SoapUITestCaseRunner();
//Change project path to suit your environment

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