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Insterting array as parameter to query in node.js mySQL

I tried searching for this but most results take me to bulk inserts in Node.js which I don't need atm. To my understanding bulk instert means inserting multiple rows, which i don't need.

I'm trying to use an array of object as a parameter for a query:

function saveDomicilio(id_establecimiento, token, order, total){
var order = [{"id":1,"quantity":2},{"id":"3","quantity":"4"}];

console.log("Order" + order);  // logs correctly my order

var new_Domicilio = {
  id_establecimiento: id_establecimiento,
  id_usuario: token,
  orden: order,
  total : total

pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {

if(err) { 

// make the query

connection.query("INSERT INTO domicilio SET ?", [new_Domicilio], function(err, results) {  
  if(err) { 

  console.log("New domicilio created");

}); // query
}); // pool

There seems to be a problem with using an array I get the error:

{ [Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''{\\"id\\":1,\\"cantidad\\":2}', total = 300

How am i supposed to do it?

If you want to save it in one row then don't wrap in with []

try this

connection.query("INSERT INTO `domicilio` SET ?", new_Domicilio, function(err, results) {  
  if(err) { 

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