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Export data from Excel to Access using VBA in Microsoft Excel ERROR

I'm currently making a service system application using Excel VBA. I have a userform to get the input and I would like to save the import data into a few Microsoft Access tables.

I am trying to pull the data from the userform and enter it into the access table When I run this code have a Syntax error. Please i need your help.

Public Sub AddDatabaseEntry()

  Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
  Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  Dim stDB As String, stSQL As String, stProvider As String
  Dim Name As String
  Dim Address As String

  Name = TextBox1
  Address = TextBox2

  stDB = "Data Source= " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\SERVDB.accdb"
  stProvider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"

  'Opening connection to database
  With cn

      .ConnectionString = stDB
      .Provider = stProvider

  End With

 'SQL Statement of what I want from the database
  stSQL = "INSERT INTO Client (FullName, Address) " & _
          "Values (" & Name & ", " & Address & ")"

  cn.Execute stSQL

  Set rs = Nothing
  Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()


End Sub

What @Comintern says can be explained this way.
Wrap your string variables in escaped double quotes or single quotes

Like this

  stSQL = "INSERT INTO Client (FullName, Address) " & _
          "Values (""" & Name & """, """ & Address & """)"

Or this

  stSQL = "INSERT INTO Client (FullName, Address) " & _
          "Values ('" & Name & "', '" & Address & "')"

As as side note,

it's highly advisable to change your "NAME" variable to something else, as that is a reserved word in VB/VBA

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