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ignore first two characters on a column while importing csv to mysql

I am trying to import a csv file to mysql table, But I need to remove First two characters on particular column before importing to mysql. This is my statment :

 string strLoadData = "LOAD DATA LOCAL  INFILE 'E:/park/Export.csv' INTO TABLE tickets  FIELDS  terminated by ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"'  lines terminated by '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (SiteId,DateTime,Serial,DeviceId,AgentAID,VehicleRegistration,CarPark,SpaceNumber,GpsAddress,VehicleType,VehicleMake,VehicleModel,VehicleColour,IssueReasonCode,IssueReason,NoticeLocation,Points,Notes)";

Column IssueReasoncode' has data like 'LU12' , But i need to remove the first 2 characters it should have only integers on it and not alpha numeric . I need to remove 'LU' from that column.

Is it possible to write like this on left(IssueReasonCode +' '2). This column is varchar(45) and cant be changed now because of large data on it.


LOAD DATA INFILE has the ability to perform a function on the data for each column as you read it in (qv here ). In your case, if you wanted to remove the first two characters from the IssueReasonCode column, you could use:

RIGHT(IssueReasonCode, CHAR_LENGTH(IssueReasonCode) - 2)

to remove the first two characters. You specify such column mappings at the end of the LOAD DATA statement using SET . Your statement should look something like the following:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'E:/park/Export.csv' INTO TABLE tickets
FIELDS terminated by ','
(SiteId, DateTime, Serial, DeviceId, AgentAID, VehicleRegistration, CarPark, SpaceNumber,
GpsAddress, VehicleType, VehicleMake, VehicleModel, VehicleColour, IssueReasonCode,
IssueReason, NoticeLocation, Points, Notes)
SET IssueReasonCode = RIGHT(IssueReasonCode, CHAR_LENGTH(IssueReasonCode) - 2)

Referencing this and quoting this example , you can try the below to see if it works

User variables in the SET clause can be used in several ways. The following example uses the first input column directly for the value of t1.column1, and assigns the second input column to a user variable that is subjected to a division operation before being used for the value of t1.column2:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'file.txt' INTO TABLE t1 (column1, @var1) SET column2 = @var1/100;

string strLoadData = "LOAD DATA LOCAL  INFILE 'E:/park/Export.csv' INTO TABLE tickets  FIELDS  terminated by ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"'  lines terminated by '\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (SiteId,DateTime,Serial,DeviceId,AgentAID,VehicleRegistration,CarPark,SpaceNumber,GpsAddress,VehicleType,VehicleMake,VehicleModel,VehicleColour,@IRC,IssueReason,NoticeLocation,Points,Notes) SET IssueReasonCode = substr(@IRC,2) ;";

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