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Display date and time like a digital clock in Bash

The command date +'%a %b %e %Y%n%I:%M %p' displays the date and time in the format:

Thu Sep 22 2016
08:02 PM

I was trying to think of a way to have the date and time update as the time changes. The only thing I can think of would be to do something like this:


while true
    date +'%a %b %e %Y%n%I:%M %p'   
done | awk '!seen[$0]++'

This produces output like:

Thu Sep 22 2016
08:02 PM
08:03 PM
08:04 PM

Is there a way to display the time change by overwriting the old time so that 08:02 changes to 08:03 on the same line, essentially making the date and time display like a regular digital clock?

To update the first line only when the day changes, and the second line every second:

while :; do
  # store start date in variable
  printf -v start_day '%(%a %b %e %Y)T'

  echo "$day"
  while sleep 1 && [[ $start_day = $day ]]; do
      printf -v day '%(%a %b %e %Y)T'
      printf '\r%(%I:%M %p)T'

Using printf %()T restricts compatibility to recent bash 4.x, but substantially improves performance (avoiding the need to start an external program every time we want to update the time).

You can use tput to move the cursor around:

date +'%a %b %e %Y%n%I:%M %p'
while sleep 1
    tput cuu 2
    date +'%a %b %e %Y%n%I:%M %p'

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