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Koa-router issue with / and /signin


//... code
import routes from './routes/bind';
app.use(routes.routes(), routes.allowedMethods());
//... code


'use strict';

import KoaRouter from 'koa-router';
const router = new KoaRouter();

// routes requests
import routes from './routes';
router.use(`/`, routes.routes(), routes.allowedMethods());

export default router;


'use strict';

import KoaRouter from 'koa-router';
const router = new KoaRouter();

// home page
router.get(`/`, async function(ctx, next) {
    ctx.body = 'home page';

// sign in page
router.get(`/signin`, async function(ctx, next) {
    ctx.body = 'sign in page';

export default router; works (displays home page) does not work (displays 404) isn't working for some reason. Any ideas?

Currently shows the sign in page. So remove the preceding / from the route definition.

The reason why works correctly is that koa-router can automatically handle trailing slashes. For the home page, the route you're actually defining is // , but koa-router can handle this. However, for the sign in page the route is //signin , but koa-router can't (nor should it) handle preceding slashes.

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