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LINQ To Xml how to generate xml without formatting

Is there way to generate xml using linq to xml without any formatting (whitespaces, newlines etc.) and without saving to file, just in memory?

I am sending this xml to some api, and this is requirements. Now i am using string.Replace();

var doc = new XDocument(
            new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null),
            new XElement("request",
                new XAttribute("version", "1.0"),
                new XElement("m",
                    new XElement("id", credentials.id),
                    new XElement("signature"), ""),
                new XElement("data",
                    new XElement("p",
                        new XAttribute("id", ""),
                        new XElement("porp",
                            new XAttribute("name", "c"),
                            new XAttribute("value", c)),
                        new XElement("porp",
                            new XAttribute("name", "a"),
                            new XAttribute("value", a))))));

        var data = doc.Element("request").Element("data").Elements();
        string result = string.Concat(data).Trim().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("  ", "");
        var signature = Utils.ComputeSignature(result, credentials.Password);
        doc.Element("request").Element("m").Element("signature").Value = signature;
        return doc.ToString().Trim().Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("  ", "");

Thanks for any help!



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