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Save XML file without formatting

I have a XML file that needs to be saved without formatting, without identation and line breaks. I'm doing it this way:

using (var writer = System.IO.File.CreateText("E:\\nfse.xml"))
    var doc = new XmlDocument { PreserveWhitespace = false };

But that way I need to create the file, and then I need to change it 3 times, so in the end there are a total of 4 files, the initial one and the result of the 3 changes.

When I save the file, I do it this way:

 MemoryStream stream = stringToStream(soapEnvelope);
 webRequest.ContentLength = stream.Length;
 Stream requestStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();

 document.PreserveWhitespace = false;

How can I do this without having to create a new document?

If what you want is to eliminate extra space by not formatting the XML file, you could use XmlWriterSettings and XmlWriter , like this:

public void SaveXmlDocToFile(XmlDocument xmlDoc,
                             string outputFileName,
                             bool formatXmlFile = false)
   var settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
   if (formatXmlFile)
      settings.Indent = true;
      settings.Indent = false;
      settings.NewLineChars = String.Empty;
   using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputFileName, settings))

Passing formatXmlFile = false in the parameters will save the XML file without formatting it.

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