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Android switching between gl views causes app freeze

I'm still learning how to program in Android and I created an Activity with a start view:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        mMainView = (RajawaliSurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.my_view);
        mMainView.setSurfaceRenderer(new Renderer());

        // Also set up a surface view I'd like to switch on back and forth
        mGLView = new GLSurfaceView(this);
        mGLView.setRenderer(cameraRenderer_ = new GLRenderer(this));

This works and I can even switch to the GL view seamlessly:

public void switchToGLView(View view) {

But after I'm done with the GL thing, I have the GLRenderer call a restore function in my main activity

public void restoreRenderer() {
  // Restoring the previous view (my_view) with the non-GL renderer
  setContentView(mMainView); <<<<<< FREEZES HERE (blackscreen)

and unfortunately this never works: the screen remains black from the previous GL renderer and by debugging the setContentView line I discovered that:

  • I don't get ANY error or warning log in the Android Monitor

  • The execution NEVER continues. It gets stuck in there forever

Any tips or hints on how to solve this?

You could solve this problem using a Frame or Relative layout. If I understand correctly, both mMainView and mGLView are fullscreen. There are a few options:

You could change the visibility of the views:

public void switchViews() {
  if(mMainView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE){
  } else{

The other option is to change the Z order of the views:

public void switchViews(View view){

Unless there are any drawbacks you encountered using the above methods.

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