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How do I replace a string between 2 certain tags

I have a text file with the following text in:


I want to be able to replace the "." with a read-host entered piece of text. For example change it from <ServerAddress>.</ServerAddress> to


The code I have to far works... but it replaces everything in the file to the same string over and over, so in the example from above, it would have replaced everything with <ServerAddress>server1</ServerAddress>

Here is what I have so far:

pushd "C:\PSF\Move to V6\DTT Files"
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem . *.dtt -rec
$servername = Read-Host 'What the server name?'
foreach ($file in $configFiles)

(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object { "<ServerAddress>.</ServerAddress>" -replace $regex, ">$servername<" } |
Set-Content $file.PSPath

Don't use regex to replace XML content. Instead, load the file as XML, select the node and set the values:


[xml]$xml =

$xml.DocumentElement.ServerAddress = 'newServer'

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