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So I have this MySQL command that updates values from one table to the other. The command works great on MySQL but can't seem to get it to run in PHP. I want to be able to run this command every time I refresh a page

MYSQL Command Example

UPDATE stock
INNER JOIN item USING (name)
SET stock.price = item.price, stock.quantity = item.quantity

in PHP it looks something like

$innerJoin="SELECT * FROM storeDB" . 
           "UPDATE stock" .
           "INNER JOIN item USING (name)" .
           "SET stock.price = item.price, stock.quantity = item.quantity";

mysqli_query($conn, $innerJoin);

When I refresh the page, I look into MySQL only to find the values on stock remain the same, not updated.

A bit rusty on PHP and MYSQL..

Thanks for the help

$innerJoin = "UPDATE stock INNER JOIN item USING (name) SET stock.price = item.price, stock.quantity = item.quantity";
mysqli_query($conn, $innerJoin);

You should use the same query string...

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