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How can I convert this query in to CakePHP query?

How can I convert this query into a CakePHP query?

SELECT COUNT(invoices.id) FROM invoices,sales 
WHERE invoices.id=sales.invoice_id AND to_id='13' AND is_updated='0' 
GROUP BY invoice_id

I have two controllers and two models, invoices and sales.

For aggregate functions like COUNT , you need to create virtual field.

$this->Invoice->virtualFields['total'] = 'COUNT(`Invoice`.`id`)';

$result = $this->Invoice->find('all', array(
  'fields' => array('Invoice.total'),
  'joins' => array(
            'table' => 'sales',
            'alias' => 'Sale',
            'type'  => 'INNER',
            'conditions' => array(
                'Invoice.id = Sale.invoice_id',
  'conditions' => array(
     'to_id' => 13,
     'is_updated' => 0 
  'group' => array('Sale.invoice_id')

pr($result); // Check your result

Use the following links as references:

Joining tables

Retrieving Your Data

Virtual fields

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