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Outer merge on large pandas DataFrames causes MemoryError---how to do “big data” merges with pandas?

I have two pandas DataFrames df1 and df2 with a fairly standard format:

   one  two  three   feature
A    1    2      3   feature1
B    4    5      6   feature2  
C    7    8      9   feature3   
D    10   11     12  feature4
E    13   14     15  feature5 
F    16   17     18  feature6 

And the same format for df2 . The sizes of these DataFrames are around 175MB and 140 MB.

merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='feature', how='outer', suffixes=('','_features'))

I get the following MemoryError:

File "/nfs/sw/python/python-3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/tools/merge.py", line 39, in merge
    return op.get_result()
File "/nfs/sw/python/python-3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/tools/merge.py", line 217, in get_result
    join_index, left_indexer, right_indexer = self._get_join_info()
File "/nfs/sw/python/python-3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/tools/merge.py", line 353, in _get_join_info
    sort=self.sort, how=self.how) 
File "/nfs/sw/python/python-3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/tools/merge.py", line 559, in _get_join_indexers
    return join_func(lkey, rkey, count, **kwargs)
File "pandas/src/join.pyx", line 187, in pandas.algos.full_outer_join (pandas/algos.c:61680)
  File "pandas/src/join.pyx", line 196, in pandas.algos._get_result_indexer (pandas/algos.c:61978)

Is it possible there is a "size limit" for pandas dataframes when merging? I am surprised that this wouldn't work. Maybe this is a bug in a certain version of pandas?

EDIT: As mentioned in the comments, many duplicates in the merge column can easily cause RAM issues. See: Python Pandas Merge Causing Memory Overflow

The question now is, how can we do this merge? It seems the best way would be to partition the dataframe, somehow.

You can try first filter df1 by unique values, merge and last concat output.

If need only outer join, I think there is memory problem also. But if add some other code for filter output of each loop, it can works.

dfs = []
for val in df.feature.unique():
    df1 = pd.merge(df[df.feature==val], df2, on='feature', how='outer', suffixes=('','_key'))
    #df1 = df1[(df1.start <= df1.start_key) & (df1.end <= df1.end_key)]
    print (df1)

df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
print (df)

Other solution is use dask.dataframe.DataFrame.merge .

Try specifying a data type for the numeric columns to reduce the size of the existing data frames, such as:

df[['one','two', 'three']] = df[['one','two', 'three']].astype(np.int32)

This should reduce the memory significantly and will hopefully let you preform the merge.

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