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httpClientConfigurerRef for Apache Camel for specific routes

Lets say that I want to communicate to a rest service with SSL with Camel, and I'm creating a custom HttpClientConfigurer which will set that stuff:

<bean id="myHttpClientConfigurer"

<to uri="https://myhostname.com:443/myURL?httpClientConfigurerRef=myHttpClientConfigurer"/> 

And the HttpClientConfigurer implements org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpClientConfigurer .

So my question is, will this custom HttpClientConfigurer will be active for only that route (where I specify it with httpClientConfigurerRef)? Or will it affect other Camel routes that use the http component?

Just for that route. Always test and verify! Fire up a second route without it and you should observe that the second route does not handle the SSL handshake.

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