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Unit test Apache Camel specific routes by filtering (Model#setRouteFilter)

How to include only certain routes in my unit test. For example, how do I enable only my-translation-route .

public class TestRoute extends RouteBuilder {
    public void configure() {


        from ("direct:my-outbound-route")

I tried with Model#filterRoutes but this did not work. All routes were loaded.

class TestRouteTest extends CamelTestSupport {
    protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
        return new TestRoute();

    public boolean isUseAdviceWith() {
        return true;

    void testIfItWorks() throws Exception {
        context.setRouteFilterPattern("my-translation-route", null);

        AdviceWith.adviceWith(context, "my-translation-route", a -> {


        getMockEndpoint("mock:direct:my-outbound-route").expectedBodyReceived().expression(constant("Hahaha! 42"));

        template.sendBodyAndHeaders("direct:my-translation-route", "42", null);


I got it working with the override of CamelTestSupport#getRouteFilterIncludePattern , eg:

public String getRouteFilterIncludePattern() {
    return "direct:my-translation-route";

But then this is set for all tests in this test class.

Possible (stupid) solution : set a conditional auto startup for your routes, whose value depends on a (Camel or JVM) property that you can set with a particular value during the unit tests:

public class TestRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    @PropertyInject(name="productionMode", defaultValue="true")
    private boolean productionMode;

    public void configure() {
                .autoStartUp(productionMode); // <=here

There are various ways to override properties during your tests. See https://camel.apache.org/components/3.17.x/properties-component.html

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