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simplier way to add jbutton to jtable

well i am making this system that has a table, and i have to put buttons in the last column. i've been researching but all the codes i saw are really confusing. there is one tho, but there are still some parts that i didn't understand. here's the site where i got it http://www.javaquery.com/2013/05/how-to-implement-jbutton-in-jtable.html

String[] InvoiceArray = new String[20];
//Declare above variable globally. Used by two-three methods. Change variable name as per your need.

 * import the ButtonColumn class if you are not working in IDE
 * I used formWindowOpened event to load content in Jtable but you can use other event.
 * All you need is put the code with in that event.
private void formWindowOpened(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
        Object[][] rowData = new Object[4][2]; // 4: is number of row ; 2: is number of column
        Object columnNames[] = {"Invoice No", "View Report"}; // Name of columns
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            InvoiceArray[i] = i + "-2345";
            rowData[i][0] = i + "-2345";
            rowData[i][1] = "View Order " + i; // Can change the text of button.
        DefaultTableModel tm = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
        ButtonColumn buttonColumn = new ButtonColumn(jTable1, showOrder, 1); // 1: is column number. column count starts with 0,1,2...

what's the InvoiceArray for? and should i make the showOrder from the last line? and also, i didn't understand the code he posted on how to make a listener on it. here it is:

Action showOrder = new AbstractAction() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
       //JTable table = (JTable) e.getSource(); // If you have multiple component following the ActionEvent
            int modelRow = Integer.valueOf(e.getActionCommand());
            if (InvoiceArray[modelRow] != null) {
                /* We are placing invoice no in array 
                 * And track the button click index
                 * And fetch index in invoice no
                System.out.println("Your Invoice No:" + InvoiceArray[modelRow]);
            } else {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(rootPane, "No records found!");

i know there are some explanations already. i understand some of them but not all. just a simplier way to add jbutton on jtable and also listeners for the jbutton. thank you so much

just a simplier way to add jbutton on jtable and also listeners for the jbutton.

There is no simple way. You need to understand how renderers and editors work in a JTable. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Concepts: Renderers and Editors for the basics.

Then you can check out Table Button Column which does the hard work for you. You only need to provide the Action to be invoked when you click on the button.

what's the InvoiceArray for?

It is used to load data into the JTable. This is basic usage of a JTable and has absolutely nothing to do with adding a button to a column of the table.

After the data is loaded you should forget about the invoiceArray. The Action you write should access the data via the TableModel or the JTable.

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