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How can I call method that has a delegate parameter using reflection?

How can I call the method below using reflection?

namespace Awesomium.Core
    public delegate JSValue JavascriptMethodHandler(object sender, JavascriptMethodEventArgs e);

    public class JSObject
        public void Bind(string methodName, JavascriptMethodHandler handler)
            // Does something...

My progress is below. I get exception on CreateDelegate.

Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type.

public class AwesomiumHelper
    private Func<object, dynamic, dynamic> JavascriptMethodHandlerAction;

    public void RegisterJavascriptMethodAndBind(string methodName, Func<object, dynamic, dynamic> func)
        if (func != null)
            var jsoType = AwesomiumCore.GetExportedTypes().First(f => f.Name == "JSObject");
            var jso = Activator.CreateInstance(jsoType);

            var t = AwesomiumCore.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "JavascriptMethodHandler");

            var mi = typeof(AwesomiumHelper).GetMethod("JavascriptMethodHandlerProxy", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            var d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(t, this, mi);

            JavascriptMethodHandlerAction = func;

            var mi0 = jsoType.GetMethod("Bind", new[] { typeof(string), t });
            mi0.Invoke(jso, new object[] { methodName, d });

    private dynamic JavascriptMethodHandlerProxy(object sender, dynamic e)
        return JavascriptMethodHandlerAction?.Invoke(sender, e);

UPDATE: I solved the problem by creating two libraries. Interface library and class library. Interface library is referenced by the class library and main program. Awesomium is referenced by class library. At runtime I am loading class library by reflection and use its methods which are defined in interface library.


var d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object, dynamic, dynamic>), this, mi);

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