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How can I pass a method acquired by reflection in C# to a method that accepts the method as a delegate?

I realize the title needs to be read more than once for understanding ... :)

I implemented a custom attribute that i apply to methods in my classes. all methods i apply the attribute to have the same signature and thus i defined a delegate for them:

public delegate void TestMethod();

I have a struct that accepts that delegate as a parameter

struct TestMetaData
  TestMethod method;
  string testName;

Is it possible to get from reflection a method that has the custom attribute and pass it to the struct into the 'method' member ?

I know you can invoke it but i think reflection won't give me the actual method from my class that i can cast to the TestMethod delegate.


You can create a delegate that calls your reflected method at runtime using Invoke, or Delegate.CreateDelegate.


using System;
class Program
    public delegate void TestMethod();
    public class Test
        public void MyMethod()
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Test t = new Test();
        Type test = t.GetType();
        var reflectedMethod = test.GetMethod("MyMethod");
        TestMethod method = (TestMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(TestMethod), t, reflectedMethod);


As an example:

using System;
using System.Linq;

using System.Reflection;
public delegate void TestMethod();
class FooAttribute : Attribute { }
static class Program
    static void Main() {
        // find by attribute
        MethodInfo method =
            (from m in typeof(Program).GetMethods()
             where Attribute.IsDefined(m, typeof(FooAttribute))
             select m).First();

        TestMethod del = (TestMethod)Delegate.CreateDelegate(
            typeof(TestMethod), method);
        TestMetaData tmd = new TestMetaData(del, method.Name);
    public static void TestImpl() {

struct TestMetaData
    public TestMetaData(TestMethod method, string name)
        this.method = method;
        this.testName = name;
    readonly TestMethod method;
    readonly string testName;
    public void Bar() { method(); }

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