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Installing python package on AWS lambda

I have deployed my zipped project without psycopg2 package. I want to install this package on my lambda without re-uploading my fixed project (i haven't access to my project right now). How can i install this package on my lambda ? Is it possible to do it with pip ?

It's not possible to do with pip . You have to add the dependency to your zipped Lambda deployment file. You can't modify your Lambda deployment without uploading a new zipped deployment file.

It is not possible to use pip directly on the lambda . Rather I use a custom build script to create zip package [this can give you a brief idea - it can certainly be made much simpler]

rm -rf ~/devops/tempenv > /dev/null
virtualenv ~/devops/tempenv
source ~/devops/tempenv/bin/activate
pip install SlackClient
pip install PyYaml
rm -rf temp > /dev/null
mkdir temp
rm aws-lambda.zip > /dev/null
cp -r ~/devops/tempenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/* temp/
cp *.py temp
cd temp
zip -r aws-lambda.zip .
mv aws-lambda.zip ../
cd ..
rm -rf temp
rm -rf ~/devops/tempenv

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