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Concatenate columns with t-sql

I have the following table


I need to write a query grouping by Code, DateCod, Room and NumberOfBeds.

For the Name column I need to concatenate names, same action for Booking column and for Num column I need to sum

The result should be the following


I'm trying the FOR XML PATH('') approach but I can't find the solution. Can someone suggest me a way to do that ?

Best regards and thanks a lot Fab

You can use STUFF with FOR XML PATH('') to achieve this.


  stuff((select ',' + t.[Name]
    from [your_table_name] t1
    where t1.[Code] = t.[Code]
    for xml path, type).value('.[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') as [Name],
  stuff((select ',' + t.[Booking]
    from [your_table_name] t1
    where t1.[Code] = t.[Code]
    for xml path, type).value('.[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') as [Booking],
  sum(t.Num) as [Num]
from [your_table_name] t
group by t.[Code], t.[DateCod], t.[Room], t.[NrBeds];

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