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Unable to find an entry point named '' in DLL 'cvextern'

I am currently trying to get the CUDA part of EMGU CV working. After the compilation, when I try to run it, I get the error "Unable to find an entry point named 'cudaCreateLinearFilter' in DLL 'cvextern'. Where cudaCreateLinearFilter can be arbitrarily replaced by any CUDA-related function within EMGU CV. EMGU CV itself works fine tough.

I tried the fix described here and copied all the mentioned dlls(like cudart64_32_16.dll and opencv_calib3d220.dll) into the Debug folder within the project. Unfortunately this did not work either.

I also replaced all the EMGU dlls already once with a newly downloaded version.

What am I doing wrong?

You need the cvextern.dll file. On my machine it is in emgucv-windesktop_x64-cuda-tbb-ipp-icc\\bin\\x64

Since you have verified the easy solution let's dive a bit deeper. cvextern contains the entry points into the OpenCv DLLs. If one digs a bit you will find that cudaCreateLinearFilter is contained in opencv_filters310.dll in the bin\\x64 folder. If you have included this DLL in your debug or release folder I think you should be OK.

Hope this helps!


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