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How can i add multiple conditions

How can I add multiple conditions in JavaScript? I don't want to check with the && , I want to know if there is a way like elseif or I don't know, to check all conditions if the first one is false then go to another and if that too is false go to else . In my example if I write 'blank' in the text field it will show me nothing. The code won't work but if I delete the code from the elseif (*) part is going to work just fine. Why my elseif doesn't work? I tried to write something different than "blank" to check my elseif condition too, but I don't know why it doesn't work. This is my code:

function Test() {
  var test = document.getElementById('name').value;
  var para = document.getElementById('hidden');

  if (test == "blank") {
  ( * ) - > elseif(test = "Cristian") {

    para.innerHTML = "this is first para";
  } < -( * )
  else {
    para.innerHTML = "this is second para";
    para.style.font = "italic bold 20px arial,serif";

<p id="hidden">Surprise!</p>

<input type="text" id="name" />

<input type="button" onclick="Test()" value="press me" />

You were close...

Instead of writing elseif you should add a space and write else if


To compare element you should use == or === .

= is used for initialization

You can also use the switch -statement:

  case: "test":
  case: "Christian":
    para.innerHTML = "this is first para";
    para.innerHTML = "this is second para";
    para.style.font = "italic bold 20px arial,serif";

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