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prettify adding extra lines in xml

I'm using Prettify to make my XML file readable. I am adding some new info in to an excising XML file but when i save it to a file i get extra lines in between the lines. is there a way of removing these line? Below is the code i'm using

import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
import xml.dom.minidom as  minidom
from lxml import etree

def prettify(elem):
    rough_string = xml.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
    reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string)
    return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")

cid = "[123,123,123,123,123]"

doc = xml.parse('test.xml')
root = doc.getroot()


e = xml.Element('card')
e.set('id', cid)
n = xml.SubElement(e, "name")
n.text = "FOLDER"
r = xml.SubElement(e, "red")
r.text = "FILE.AVI"
g = xml.SubElement(e, "green")
g.text = "FILE.AVI"
b = xml.SubElement(e, "blue")
b.text = "FILE.AVI"

root.insert(0, e)

doc2 =  prettify(root)

with open("testnew.xml", "w") as f:

Below is what i get in the file


    <card id="[123,123,123,123,123]">
    <card id="[000,000,000,000,000]">







input file "test.xml" looks like

   <card id="[000,000,000,000,000]">

The new content added is being printed fine. Removing any "prettification" of the existing text solves the issue


for elem in root.iter('*'):
    if elem == e:
        print "Added XML node does not need to be stripped"
    if elem.text is not None:
        elem.text = elem.text.strip()
    if elem.tail is not None:
        elem.tail = elem.tail.strip()

before calling

 doc2 =  prettify(root)

Related answer: Python how to strip white-spaces from xml text nodes

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