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Why won't this APScheduler code work?

been looking for quite a while for an answer so I turned to here! It gives me the error, "Invalid Index" for the sched.start()!

import random
import datetime
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
import smtplib
import email

def randEmail():
    #Gets randLine
    file_object = open("lyrics.txt", "r")
    randLine = random.randint(1, 10)
    for i, line in enumerate(file_object):
        if i == randLine:
    #line = randomly generated line

    emails = [ 'emails']

    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
    server.login('login', 'password')
    server.sendmail('login',emails, line)

    #Prints to notepad saying completed
    Date = datetime.datetime.now()

    with open("Server_Quit.txt", "r+") as ServerQuit:
        ServerQuit.write("Server has quit at " + str(Date))

#Unsure whether working
#sched.add_interval_job(randEmail, hours=24, start_date='2016-10-10 18:30')

sched = BlockingScheduler()
@sched.randEmail('cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=18, minutes=30)

I appreciate any help! I've tried my best to get this working on my own and have ironed through all the other problems myself, but can't get this working. Also, if I want this to run on my PC and do this everyday, can I just add it to startup processes, and when I start my PC the scheduler will start?

You can add a job to a scheduler by decorating a function with the scheduled_job decorator:

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler

sched = BlockingScheduler()

# minute=30 not minutes=30
@sched.scheduled_job('cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=18, minute=30)
def randEmail():
    #Gets randLine
    with open("lyrics.txt", "r") as file_object:
        randLine = random.randint(1, 10)
        for i, line in enumerate(file_object):
            if i == randLine:
    #line = randomly generated line

    emails = [ 'emails']

    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
    server.login('login', 'password')
    server.sendmail('login', emails, line)

    #Prints to notepad saying completed
    Date = datetime.datetime.now()

    # You don't have to close the file if you use the with statement
    with open("Server_Quit.txt", "r+") as ServerQuit:
        ServerQuit.write("Server has quit at " + str(Date))


You can also use the add_job method:

sched.add_job(randEmail, 'cron', day_of_week='mon-fri', hour=18, minute=30)

I can't see any reason why it would not work as a startup process.

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