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Code not providing desired output

I am currently trying to figure out where I went wrong in this logic of code for the assignment. Any remarks or advice would be appreciated!

The output I keep getting no matter what input I put in keeps giving me :

average temperature 0,

highest temperature 5,

lowest temperature 0,

average excluding lowest 0,

number of cold days 10

First Class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace TemperatureAverager
class Temperatures
    public double[] weeksTemperatures;
    public double threshTemp;
    public double average;
    public double averageExcludingLowest;
    public double highest;
    public double lowest;
    public int numOfThreshs;

    public double[] WeeksTemperatures
            return weeksTemperatures;
    public double ThreshTemp
            return threshTemp;
    public double Average
            average = value;
            return average;
    public double AverageExcludingLowest
            averageExcludingLowest = value;
            return averageExcludingLowest;
    public double Highest
            highest = value;
            return highest;
    public double Lowest
            lowest = value;
            return lowest;
    public int NumberOfThreshs
            numOfThreshs = value;
            return numOfThreshs;
    public Temperatures()
    public Temperatures(double[] wTemperatures, double threshT)
        weeksTemperatures = wTemperatures;
        threshTemp = threshT;
    public double DetermineAverage()
        double average = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) 
            average = average + weeksTemperatures[x];   
        average = average / 7;    
        return average;
    public double DetermineAverageExcludingLowest()
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) 
            averageExcludingLowest = averageExcludingLowest + weeksTemperatures[x];
            if (weeksTemperatures[x] < lowest)   
                lowest = weeksTemperatures[x];   
        averageExcludingLowest = ((averageExcludingLowest - lowest) / 7);   // calculate average excluding lowest temperature
        return averageExcludingLowest;
    public double DetermineLowest()
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (weeksTemperatures[x] < lowest)   //find the lowest temperature of the week
                lowest = weeksTemperatures[x];   //and set it to lowest
        return lowest;
    public double DetermineHighest()
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (weeksTemperatures[x] > highest)  //find the highest temperature of the week
                highest = weeksTemperatures[x];  //and set it to highest
        return highest;
    public double DetermineNumberOfThreshs()
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (weeksTemperatures[x] < threshTemp)   //find the lowest temperature of the week
        return numOfThreshs;
    public override string ToString()
        return "=====================\nWeekly Statistics\n" + "---------------------\n" + "Average Temperature: " + average + "\nHighest Temperature: "
        + highest + "\nLowest Temperature: " + lowest + "\nAvg. Excl. Lowest: " + averageExcludingLowest + "\n# of Cold Days: " + numOfThreshs + "\n====================="; //Formats and the invoice to be printed

Second Class

namespace TemperatureAverager
class TemperatureApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        double[] week = new double[7];    
        string[] days = new string[] { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; //array to track days of week
        for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) 
            Console.Write("What was the temperature on " + days[x] + "?: ");
            string userTemperatureInput = Console.ReadLine();
            week[x] = double.Parse(userTemperatureInput);
        Console.Write("How cold is too cold?: ");
        string userThreshInput = Console.ReadLine();    
        double thresh = double.Parse(userThreshInput);
        Temperatures weekOne = new Temperatures(week, thresh);  

You have 7 all over the code. Make it a constant like public static int DaysCount = 7 on the Tempratures class and reference that whenever needed (see example below).

class Temperatures
  public static int DaysCount = 7;

You can then use it like this:

   static void Main(string[] args)
        double[] week = new double[Temperatures.DaysCount];    

I can't see where you run the Determine...() functions, så the values are never calculated.

In the Determine...() functions you should set the value to an appropriate initial value before you run the loop as in:

public double DetermineHighest()
  highest = -273 // degrees

  for (int x = 0; x < DaysCount; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
    if (weeksTemperatures[x] > highest)  //find the highest temperature of the week
      highest = weeksTemperatures[x];  //and set it to highest
  return highest;

Class one

public class Temperatures
    private double sum;
    private int daysInWeek;

    public double[] WeeksTemperatures { get; set; }
    public double ThreshTemp { get; set; }
    public double Average { get; set; }
    public double AverageExcludingLowest { get; set; }
    public double Highest { get; set; }
    public double Lowest { get; set; }
    public int NumOfThreshs { get; set; }

    public Temperatures(double[] wTemperatures, double threshT)
        this.WeeksTemperatures = wTemperatures;
        this.ThreshTemp = threshT;
        sum = 0.0;
        daysInWeek = 7;

    public void GetWeekStatistics()

    private void GetSum()
        for (int x = 0; x < daysInWeek; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            this.sum = this.sum + this.WeeksTemperatures[x];

    public void DetermineLowest()
        this.Lowest = this.WeeksTemperatures[0];
        for (int x = 0; x < daysInWeek; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (this.WeeksTemperatures[x] < this.Lowest)   //find the lowest temperature of the week
                this.Lowest = this.WeeksTemperatures[x];   //and set it to lowest

    public void DetermineHighest()
        this.Highest = this.WeeksTemperatures[0];
        for (int x = 0; x < daysInWeek; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (this.WeeksTemperatures[x] > this.Highest)  //find the highest temperature of the week
                this.Highest = this.WeeksTemperatures[x];  //and set it to highest

    private void DetermineAverage()
        this.Average = this.sum / daysInWeek;

    public void DetermineAverageExcludingLowest()
        this.AverageExcludingLowest = ((this.sum - this.Lowest) / daysInWeek);   // calculate average excluding lowest temperature

    public void DetermineNumberOfThreshs()
        for (int x = 0; x < daysInWeek; x++) //Traverse through the week's temperatures
            if (this.WeeksTemperatures[x] < this.ThreshTemp)   //find the lowest temperature of the week
    public override string ToString()
        return "=====================\nWeekly Statistics\n" + "---------------------\n" + "Average Temperature: " + this.Average + "\nHighest Temperature: "
        + this.Highest + "\nLowest Temperature: " + this.Lowest + "\nAvg. Excl. Lowest: " + this.AverageExcludingLowest + "\n# of Cold Days: " + this.NumOfThreshs + "\n====================="; //Formats and the invoice to be printed

Change in class two

Temperatures weekOne = new Temperatures(week, thresh);

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