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Exclude matched regex pattern

I want to match all consecutive lines, prefixed with a space until a line starts without a space!

The problem is that the "end pattern" [^ ] is part of the match. The end pattern is a start-of-line not starting with a space.

The used pattern: (?im)(?:^( (?s:.*?))(?:^[^ ])) /g

See example at https://regex101.com/r/msVC5b/1

Please can anyone help me? I've spent hours and hours searching on SO and trying negative lookarounds ;)

If I've interpreted your request right, you're overthinking it. The pattern you want is this:

/(?:^ .+\n)+/gm

What it'll do is match every line that starts with a space and ends with a newline, one or more times, in a contiguous fashion.

Demo on Regex101 (adapted from yours)

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