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Converting Jaxb attribute value to Upper Case during UnMarshalling

I want to convert uid attribute's value in MyJaxbModel class to uppercase during UnMarshalling. I did write UpperCaseAdapter that does the work for me. However with this approach, application performance is deteriorated to unacceptable level (as there are thousands of XML files unmarshalled to MyJaxbModel). I cannot use String.toUppperCase() in getter /setter as these JAXB models are auto generated from XSD and I dont want to tweak them.

@XmlRootElement(name = "myJaxbModel")
public class MyJaxbModel
    protected String name;

    protected String uid;

    // getters and setters


public class UpperCaseAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, String>
    public String unmarshal( String value ) throws Exception
        return value.toUpperCase();

    public String marshal( String value ) throws Exception
        return value;

<!--My XSD makes use of below xjc:javaType definition to auto-configure this-->
<xsd:simpleType name="uidType">
            <xjc:javaType name="java.lang.String"
                adapter="jaxb.UpperCaseAdapter" />
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string" />

Expected Input : <myJaxbModel name="abc" uid="xyz" />

Expected Output : myJaxbModel.toString() -> MyJaxbModel[name=abc, uid=XYZ]

Is there a better approach to achieve desired results?

Why didn't you simply parse it to upper case in the getUid() or while setting?

if (uid != null){
   return uid.toUpperCase();


    if (uid != null){
       this.uir =  uid.toUpperCase();

I think that is the easier and cleanest way to do it...

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