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VS Code Python 'autocompletion' and 'go to definition' for GAE not working

recently I've started to use VS Code instead of sublime text 3.

But I've got small issue, neither Go To Definition nor Autocomplete works.

When I try, for example, import json then, try to json. it keeps saying that it's "loading" See the screenshot

I have had simillar issues with Sublime text, but after all it found all the stuff.

I'm using https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=donjayamanne.python and I've set all required variables. Not sure if that's package issue or my config.

Probably it might be because project I'm in uses buildout. but I've set correct way too. Even added extra paths for buildout .eggs directory and .parts where appengine is located.

Looks like it's jedi related issue. Make sure you have corresponding 'grammarx.x.txt' file in ~.vscode-insiders\\extensions\\donjayamanne.python-xxx\\pythonFiles\\preview\\jedi\\parser

I had the same issue after installing Python 3.6, so I just copied grammar3.5.txt to grammar3.6.txt in ~.vscode-insiders\\extensions\\donjayamanne.python-0.5.5\\pythonFiles\\preview\\jedi\\parser and my autocompletion started to work again.

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