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How to get dynamic body text in Selenium with Java

I need to get text value as indicated below:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <html lang="en">
            <b>Some Text I can find using xPath</b>
            **TEXT I WOULD LIKE TO FIND THAT IS BEING ADDED DYNAMICALLY - it will be different number every time page loads**
            **some other text dynamically added**

I tried by using


with no luck.

It's not straight forward due to the WebDriver not handling anything but element nodes. I opened a while ago two issues: one against the WebDriver and another one against the W3C WebDriver specification . (vote for them if, it helps showing a need of the user base).

Meanwhile, as a (painful) workaround, you will need to rely on JavascriptExecutor capabilities of your WebDriver . An example (in another context, thus will have to be adapted to your specifics), in one of my older answers .

Adapted to your case, with the note it may contain bugs cause by typos (I haven't checked it):

WebElement contextNode=driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body"));
if(driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {
  String jswalker=
      "var tw = document.createTreeWalker("
     +   "arguments[0],"
     +   "NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT,"
     +   "{ acceptNode: function(node) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;} },"
     +    "false"
     + ");"
     + "var ret=null;"
     // skip over the number of text nodes indicated by the arguments[1]
     + "var skip;"
     + "for(skip=0; tw.nextNode() && skip<arguments[1]; skip++);"
     + "if(skip==arguments[1]) { " // found before tw.nextNode() ran out
     +   "ret=tw.currentNode.wholeText.trim();"
     + "}"
     + "return ret;"
  int textNodeIndex=3; // there will be empty text nodes before after <b>
  Object val=((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
    jswalker, contextNode, textNodeIndex
  String textThatINeed=(null!=val ? val.toString() : null);

Please let me know if/how it works.

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