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How to return a JavaScript 'native' array from a C# method?

I'm trying to call a C# method from JavaScript by using ActiveXObject :

var myobj = new ActiveXObject('myobject');
var arr = myobj.GetArray();

Eventually, arr will contain a SAFEARRAY object, but not JScript array. Is there any way to return native JavaScript object from a C# method?

You can return a JSON string and then parse into a JavaScript object. There are a number of .NET libraries available to serialize .NET objects into JSON and vice-versa-

to name a few.

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I found the solution by myself, but no documentation exists for this part. The solution is to use JScript.ArrayObject in the following way:

ArrayObject _lastField;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[]{2,1,2,3};
object[] array = new object[byteArray.Length];
byteArray.CopyTo(array, 0);
_lastField = Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.Array.ConstructArray(array);

After that you will be able to use the _lastField array in JavaScript like a native array:

var myobj = new ActiveXObject('myobject');
var arr = myobj.LastField;

You may return delimited Joined String in C# and can split into JavaScript

public string getArryString()
string[] arrstring = new string[]{"1","2","3"};
return string.Join(",", arrstring);

var arrstring = objActiveX.getArryString().split(',');

Via VBArray it can work like this:

  1. Return object[] from C# (declare so in the dispinterface).

  2. To get a native JS array in JScript use VBArray:

     var jsArray = new VBArray(myobj.GetArray()).toArray(); for (i = 0; i < jsArray.length; i++) { // use jsArray[i] } 

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