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Using associative arrays in javascript

I want to create something like a dictionary object where given a name as key, it should output its value.


dict["jerry"] should output 20 as value.


var name = "jerry";
dict[name]  should output 20 as value

My code.

var totalAdditions = [];
totalAdditions.push({name:statsObj.author.login, value: additions});
//statsObj.author.login contains "jerry"

console.log(obj.login); //also contains value "jerry"
console.log(totalAdditions[obj.login]); //returns undefined??

JavaScript doesn't have "associative arrays." It does have objects, which can do what you want, and Map (as of ES2015), which can also do what you want.


 var dict = Object.create(null); // Not {} so it doesn't inherit props like // "toString", "valueOf", etc. var name = "jerry"; dict["jerry"] = 20; console.log(dict[name]); // 20 

ES2015+ Map :

 let dict = new Map(); var name = "jerry"; dict.set("jerry", 20); console.log(dict.get(name)); // 20 

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